Professor Goldstein's publications -- contact me if you need a copy (unpublished notable working papers are below):

“Adaptation time to climate-induced extreme events – Impact of trend, seasonality and interest rate stochasticity” (with Chi Truong), North American Actuarial Journal, 1-24.

“Timing is (almost) Everything: Real Options, Extreme Value Theory, Climate Adaptation, and Flood Risk Management” (with Chi Truong and Matteo Malavasi), Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 370, 2024,122621, ISSN 0301-4797,

Middle East conflict and energy companies: The effect of air and drone strikes on global energy stocks (with Mohammad Zoynul Abedin, Nidhi Malhotra, and Miklesh Prasad Yadav), Finance Research Letters, Volume 69, Part A, November 2024, 106009, ISSN 1544-6123, .

Forward-looking disclosure effects on stock liquidity in China: Evidence from MD&A text analysis” (with Mohammad Zoynul Abedin, Qingcheng Huang, and Hongjun Zeng), International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 95, Part B, October 2024, 103484, ISSN 1057-5219, .

Do Global Uncertainties Impede Insurance Activity? – Empirical Evidence from Two Top Economies” (with Danish Ahmed, Hu Xuhua, and Yuantao Xie), Finance Research Letters, Volume 67, Part A, September 2024, 105735, ISSN 1544-6123, .

High Frequency Trading Strategies (with Amy Kwan and Richard Philip), Management Science, August 2023, Volume 69, Number 8, 4413-4434, . ISSN 0025-1909 (print), ISSN 1526-5501

Corporate bond liquidity and yield spreads: A review”, (with Elmira Shakari Namin), Research in International Business and Finance, April 2023, Volume 65, 101925,

Trade Price Clustering in the Corporate Bond Market (with Brittany Cole, Shane Moser, and Robert Van Ness), China Finance Review International , Volume 12, Issue 3,   July  2022, 353-377 (Lead Article).

Sanctions or sea ice: Costs of closing the Northern Sea Route (with Amanda H. Lynch, Xueke Li, and Charles H. Norchi), Finance Research Letters, Volume 50, December 2022, 103257.

Economic Viability and Emissions of Multi-modal Transportation Infrastructure in a Changing Arctic (with Amanda H. Lynch, Ruitian Yan, Siri Veland, and William Talleri), Weather, Climate, and Society,  July 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, 861-879.

Conflict’s impact raises costs for Arctic shipping and the climate (with Amanda H. Lynch and Charles H. Norchi), Nature, June 7, 2022.

Arctic Shipping Guidance from the CMIP6 Ensemble on Operational and Infrastructural Timescales (with Xueke Li, Scott R. Stephenson, Amanda H. Lynch, David A. Bailey, and Siri Veland), Climatic Change 16723 (2021).

 Data Availability Principles and Practice. (with Henry P. Huntington, Emma Archer, Walker S. Ashley, Susan L. Cutter, Carla Roncoli, and Tanya L. Spero) Weather, Climate, and Society, August 2020, Volume 12, pages 647-649,

Providing Liquidity in an Illiquid Market: Dealer Behavior in U.S. Corporate Bonds, with Edith Hotchkiss, Journal of Financial Economics, January 2020, Volume 135, Number 1, 16-40. . Previously”Dealer Behavior in Highly Illiquid Risky Assets“, with Edith Hotchkiss

Secondary Market Liquidity and Primary Market Pricing of Corporate Bonds”, with Edith S. Hotchkiss and David J. Pedersen, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, May 2019, Volume 12, Number 2, 86;

The Core, Periphery, and Beyond: Stock Market Comovements among EU and non-EU Countries”, with Joseph McCarthy and Alexei Orlov, The Financial ReviewVol. 54, No. 1, February 2019, 5-56.

The step-like evolution of Arctic open water”, (with Amanda H. Lynch, Andras Zsom, Todd Arbetter, Andres Chang, and Florence Fetterer), Nature — Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, Article number 16902. November 15, 2018. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-35064-5

Water and life from snow: A trillion dollar science question“, with Matthew Sturm and Charles Parr, Water Resources Research, Vol. 53, May 2, 2017, 3534-3544.  DOI:  10.1002/2017WR020840

Pricing the urban cooling benefits of solar panel deployment in Sydney, Australia“, with Shaoxiu Ma, Andrew J. Pitman, Navid Haghdadi, and Iain MacGill, Scientific Reports, Volume 7, Article # 43938, DOI: 10.1038/srep43938.

Using an option pricing approach to evaluate strategic decisions in a rapidly changing climate: Black–Scholes and climate change“, with Matthew Sturm, Henry Huntington, and Thomas A. Douglas, Climatic Change, Volume 140, Issue 3, February 2017, 437–449. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-016-1860-5.

The Global Preference for Dividends in Declining Markets“, with Abhinav Goyal, Brian M. Lucey, and Cal B. Muckley, The Financial Review, Vol. 50, No. 4, November 2015, 575-609.

Circuit Breakers, Trading Collars, and Volatility Transmission Across Markets:  Evidence from NYSE Rule 80A”, The Financial Review, Vol. 50, No. 3, August 2015, 459-479.

Review of ‘Arctic Economics in the 21st Century: The Benefits and Costs of Cold’ by Heather A. Conley”, The Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 52, No.2, June 2014, 565-567.  (For a copy of Arctic Economics in the 21st Century: The Benefits and Costs of Cold by Heather A. Conley, go to this link.)

Computerized and High-Frequency Trading“, with Pavitra Kumar and Frank GravesThe Financial Review, Vol. 49, No. 2, May 2014, 177-202.
Part of a Special Issue on Computerized and High-Frequency Trading for The Financial Review.
For the table of contents of the special issue, click here.
To get a copy of the article from The Financial Reviewclick here.

Special Issue on Computerized and High-Frequency Trading: Guest Editor’s Note“, The Financial Review, Vol. 49, No. 2, May 2014, 173-175.
Part of a Special Issue on Computerized and High-Frequency Trading for The Financial Review.
For the table of contents of the special issue, click here.
To get a copy of the article from The Financial Reviewclick here.

Purchasing IPOs With Commissions: Theoretical Predictions and Empirical Results“, with Paul Irvine and Andy PuckettThe Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 46, No. 5, Oct. 2011, pp. 1193�1225

Do Dividends Matter More in Declining Markets?“, with Kathleen FullerThe Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 17, No. 3, June 2011, 457-473.
Previously version was titled:  “Dividend Policy and Market Movements“, with Kathleen Fuller.
(Note:  the link for the paper will bring you to the SSRN, where you can read the abstract and download a copy of the paper.)

Inter-Market Competition for NYSE-listed Securities under Decimals� (with Andriy ShkilkoBonnie Van Ness, and Robert Van Ness), The Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol 35, No. 4, November 2010, 371-391.

InterCon Travel Health: Case B, (with Gregory Truman and Dessislava Pachamanova), Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 21, Number 1, Spring 2010, 27-32.

Brokerage Commissions and Institutional Trading Patterns“, with Paul Irvine, Eugene Kandel, and Zvi Wiener, Review of Financial Studies, December 2009, Vol. 22, No. 12, 5175-5212.   (note:  the link for the paper will bring you to the SSRN, where you can read the abstract and download a copy of the paper)

An Analysis of Liquidity across Markets: Execution Costs on the NYSE Versus Electronic Markets� (with G. Hu and J. Ginger Meng), Liquidity, Interest Rates, and Banking, 2009, Jeffrey Morrey and Alexander Guyton (editors), Nova Publishers, Chapter 7, 139-167.

Competition in the Market for NASDAQ-listed Securities (with Andriy ShkilkoBonnie Van Ness, and Robert Van Ness), Journal of Financial Markets, May 2008, Vol. 11, No 2, pp 113-143.  Lead article in the issue.  (note:  the link for the paper will bring you to the SSRN, where you can read the abstract and download a copy of the paper.)

“InterCon Travel Health Teaching Note and Case Study” (with Gregory Truman and Dessislava Pachamanova), Journal of the Academy of Business Education, Summer 2007, Vol. 8, pp 17-32

Transparency and Liquidity:  A Controlled Experiment on Corporate Bonds” (with Edith Hotchkiss and Erik Sirri), Review of Financial Studies, March 2007, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp235-273.  Lead article in the issue. (note:  the link for the paper will bring you to the SSRN, where you can read the abstract and download a copy of the paper.  You can get a copy of the published paper from the Oxford University Press website.)

The Intraday Probability of Informed Trading on the NYSE (with B. F. Van Ness and R. A. Van Ness), Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, 2006, Ivan Brick, Tavy Ronen, and Chen-Few Lee (editors), World Scientific Press, Vol. 3, Chapter 7, 139-158.

Trading Strategies during Circuit Breakers and Extreme Market Movements“, (with Ken Kavajecz), Journal of Financial Markets, June 2004, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 301-333.

Eighths, Sixteenths, and Market Depth: Changes in Tick Size and Liquidity Provision on the NYSE” (with K. Kavajecz), Journal of Financial Economics, April 2000, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 125-149.

Market Making and Trading in NASDAQ Stocks” (with Edward Nelling), Financial Review, February 1999, Vol. 34, No.1.  For an abstract, click here.

REIT Return Behavior In Advancing and Declining Stock Markets” (with Edward Nelling), Real Estate Finance, Winter 1999, Vol. 15, No.4, 68-77.  Click here for a nice write-up.  Click here for the CFA Institute summary. Click here for paper cited in Deutsche Bank Research

Privatization in Post-Communist Economies” (with B. Gultekin), in Financial Sector Reform and Privatization in Transition Economies, John Doukas, Victor Murinde and Clas Wihlborg (editors), Advances in Finance, Investment and Banking, North-Holland, Vol. 7, 283-327, 1998.

Circuit Breakers, Volatility, and U.S. Equity Markets: Evidence from NYSE Rule 80A� (with J. Mahoney and J. Evans), October 1998. Second Joint Central Bank Research Conference on Risk Measurement and Systematic Risk, Bank of Tokyo, Japan

Privatization Success and Failure: Finance Theory and Regulation in the Transitional Economies of Albania and the Czech Republic“, Managerial and Decision Economics, November-December 1997, Vol. 18, No.7&8, 529-544.  Click here for the paper description and abstract.

Quotes, Order Flow, and Price Discovery” (with Marshall Blume), The Journal of Finance, March 1997, Vol. 52, No.1, 221 – 244. Abstract appeared in Journal of Finance, July 1997.

Pratiquer les meilleurs prix permet-il d’attirer les transactions? Cotations et flux d’Ordres sur les bourses américaines” (with Marshall Blume), Organisation et qualité des marchés financiers, (Chapitre XIII), Presses Universitaires de France, ed. Biasis, Davydoff and Jacquillat, 1997.

Real Estate Investment Trusts, Small Stocks, and Bid-Ask Spreads” (with E. Nelling, J. Mahoney, and T. Hildebrand), Real Estate Economics, Spring 1995, Vol. 23, No. 1, 45-63.

Unpublished Working Paper Series:

Trading at the Speed of Light: The Impact of High-Frequency Trading on Market Performance, Regulatory Oversight, and Securities Litigation� (with Pavitra Kumar, Frank Graves, and Lynda Borucki), Finance:  Current Topics in Corporate Finance and Litigation,  March 2011, Issue 2, The Brattle Group.

Displayed and Effective Spreads by Market” (with Marshall Blume), Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research Working Paper 27-92, The Wharton School, December 1992.  [Cited over ten times, including in Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial Intermediation.]

Differences in Execution Prices on the Regionals and the NYSE” (with Marshall Blume), Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research Working Paper 4-92, The Wharton School, December 1992.  [Discussed in New York Times (March 2, 1992, p. D1.) and Barron’s (January 20, 1992).  Cited over ten times, including in Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Business.]