Financial Markets and Instruments Student Notes

  1. Day 1 — no notes

  2. Day 2 — 9-05  Dan Zukas (great job!) and Maxwell Rispoli with my edits

  3. Day 3 — 9-10  Jamie Arimany (another great job)

  4. Day 4 — 9-12  Michael Liachowitz and Alexandra Guerra (finally, notes from both sections!  Good job by both.)

  5. Day 5 — 9-19  Priyanka Kothari and Karina Menagi

  6. Day 6 — 9-24  Jacqueline Echagarruga-Irimia and Omar Almajali

  7. Day 7 — 10-1  Christian Gordon

  8. Day 8 — 10-3  Shivangini Ghosh

  9. Day 9 —